The Shape of Things To Come (July 8, 2011) - Charles Hugh Smith
The Great Reset could take many forms. The only certain thing is that today's profound political disunity and our destabilizing financial Plutocracy will force a crisis.
Yesterday I laid out why the U.S. will inevitably experience The Great Reset. What comes after that systemic devolution/crisis is unknown, but we can speculate on the shape of things to come.
Though we cannot know the outcome, we can certainbly discern the outlines of the crisis itself. These destabilizing conditions will force a crisis at some point and will be resolved one way or another:
1. Profound political disunity. As I noted in Survival+, this was a key feature of the Roman Empire in its final slide to collapse. The shared values and consensus which had held the Empire's core together dissolved, leaving petty fiefdoms to war among themselves for what power and swag remained.
Today we have several types of political disunity. Superficially, the two "political theater" wings of the Demopublicans stage a bitter partisan war over whose vision of the U.S. as a "Plutocracy, but with benefits" holds an increasingly enfeebled political power.
But this is all theater and artifice. Neither wing has any vision or values of substance; each slavshly serves their masters, the corporate cartels and financial Oligarchy, while feeding their vast constituencies in the Savior State great gobs of borrowed treasure to maintain the "Plutocracy, but with benefits."
The real disunity is between a doomed Status Quo and those willing to deal with reality. Right now those willing to deal with reality are few, but they have the distinct advantage of reality on their side, while the Status Quo has only propaganda, artifice, phony political theater and empty promises.
The disunity stems from the public's innate desire to hold onto the empty promises and cling to the hope offered by the Status Quo that these grandiose, impossible promises will be met, despite the abundant factual evidence to the contrary.
Every attempt to lead the public toward the realization that the present is unsustainable will be crushed by a frantic assault of the fiefdoms, cartels and players who will lose power and profits when the Status Quo crumbles under its own weight.
Promises always sound better than reality until a crisis punctures the promises. But the anger generated by this deflation of "too good to be true" promises threatens both rationality and stability.
2. A dearth of leadership. The weakness of what passes for "leadership" today is not just a matter of bad luck but of the corruption of politics to the point that it only attracts sycophants, moral midgets and sociopaths. It's easy to blame those attracted to the game for this, but the real cause is the American people, who reject honesty in favor of artifice and promises. The American public is child-like, self-centered, myopic, ill-informed and ultimately uncaring about anything but getting their share of the swag.
Thus anyone who promises that their share of the swag will remain untouched wins, and anyone who suggests the swag is unsustainable is rejected as "judgmental" or "negative." To the degree a nation gets the leadership it demands, then the U.S. is in trouble. We're now a nation of spoiled teens who get to elect their parents. No surprise, the 'rents who never enforce any rules, never challenge their own bosses (the kleptocrats) and who dole out the most allowance win every time.
Thus we get leaders who refuse to challenge the Financial Power Elites, cartels and fiefdoms because the Status Quo would devote all its stupendous wealth and influence to defeating a challenger, and we get leaders who refuse to be honest with the American people because that honesty is rejected as unwelcome.
Ideally, a leader persuades the public to grow up rather than pander to their basest desires, but such a leader would only have one term of office.
3. The unstable double-bind of rule by Financial Plutocracy. A funny thing happens when a nation allows itself to be ruled by kleptocrats: such rule is intrinsically destabilizing, as there is no longer any center to bind the nation together. The public sees the value system at the top is "I, Me, Mine" greed fed by complicity/corruption, and they follow suit by pursuing whatever petty frauds and corruptions are within reach: tax avoidance, cheating on entrance exams, gaming disability, lying on mortgage and job applications, and so on.
Meanwhile, the diverting of national income into a few power centers is also destabilizing, as Central Planning and Market Manipulation (TM, Federal Reserve, all rights reserved worldwide) are intrinsically unstable as price can no longer be discovered by unfettered markets. As a result, imbalances grow until some seemingly tiny incident or disruption triggers a cascading collapse.
The double-bind is two-fold: the Power Elites can't bear to part with any of their power or wealth, so their resistance guarantees systemic collapse. The political "leadership" cannot challenge the Power Elites' grip on the nation's throat because the entire Status Quo has been co-opted/sold out and is now wedded to the Oligarchy as their guarantor of financial security.
What this leads to is a Status Quo committed to a sinking ship. The very imbalances created by a Financial Elite and the enabling Central State Central Planning doom the system, but since everyone within the Status Quo depends on it for their own slice of wealth and power, then no one dares speak up in favor of reality. Complicity is the order of the day, but complicity can't stop the ship from sinking.
4. The political corruption of religion. Jesus did not say, "Go forth and lobby the Roman Senate, to make laws which impose your interpretations on others." Jesus said, “My kingdom is not of this world. If my kingdom were of this world, my servants would have been fighting, that I might not be delivered over to the Jews. But my kingdom is not from the world.” (John 18:36)
Although it is unpopular to say so, some aspects of religion in the U.S. have been corrupted by a desire for wealth and a focus on acquiring it, and by a desire for political power masquerading as morality.
Very few (I know of none) commentators, mainstream or independent, see the potential for a Great Awakening, a spiritual, non-denominational renewal of faith not as some political force in the greasy halls of power but as a motivator of personal responsibility and resolve. I may be alone in this, but American history is replete with examples not only of political upheaval but of broad-based spiritual renewals that reject the earthly excesses in favor of a renewed moral center.
Such movements need not be associated with any one religion or denomination; they tend to be cultural in nature, drawing inspiration from religious faith but extending beyond the confines of the church.
Complicity and dependence erode the soul; political or financial "fixes" alone can't fix the rot. In a fundamentally corrupt, complicit society, rules and laws are routinely evaded, bypassed, undermined or simply ignored. Making more rules fixes nothing if the rules are merely for show, or only for the bottom 99%.
The resolution of these brewing instabilities could be orderly or disorderly. In an orderly scenario, a new Constitutional Convention is convened, and a leadership backed by an enlightened public hammers out a consensus to limit the political and financial dominance of Financial Power Elites and corporate cartels. The new consensus reorients the Central State to its original purpose of limiting predation of the citizenry by Elites and criminals, defending the nation and imposing the rule of law as defined by the Constitution. The Savior State would be dismantled in an orderly process.
In a disorderly resolution, the Status Quo and the public both refuse to deal with reality and instead cling to the Titanic, demanding magical solutions that will keep the doomed ship from sinking. There is no such magic, of course, and so the ship will go down, and disorder will reign.
It might take the shape of a financial crisis such as a devaluation or hyperinflation, or it might take a political crisis such as a "Quiet Coup" by Elites or an outbreak of resistance to the heavy-handed Central State.
At the outer boundaries of such disorder, then the nation could split apart, along the lines of the book The Nine Nations of North America, or into permutations of civil war as invisioned by author/blogger Chris Sullins in his novel series Operation SERF.
The salient feature of instability is its unpredictability. The longer the nation waits to deal with unwelcome realities, the greater the eventual destabilization. What happens as a result of that inevitable destabilization will be up to us.
On marketing,business,innovation, technology, the future and anything that inspires
Saturday, October 29, 2011
Are you Future Ready?
Data tsunami.
When everything has an IP address, what is the meaning of this hyperconnectivity.
Always connected.
Always aware? Blended reality. In multiple information reality.
Sunday, October 09, 2011
Sandiaga Salahuddin Uno
Empowering the micro- entrepreneurs will reduce the gap between the ultra rich and ultra poor.
Saturday, October 08, 2011
Find What You Love
You've got to find what you love. And that is as true for your work as it is for your lovers. Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven't found it yet, keep looking. Don't settle. As with all matters of the heart, you'll know when you find it. And, like any great relationship, it just gets better and better as the years roll on. So keep looking until you find it. Don't settle.
Steve Jobs (1955-2011)
Steve Jobs (1955-2011)
Life's Change Agent
No one wants to die. Even people who want to go to heaven don't want to die to get there. And yet death is the destination we all share. No one has ever escaped it. And that is as it should be, because Death is very likely the single best invention of Life. It is Life's change agent. It clears out the old to make way for the new. Right now the new is you, but someday not too long from now, you will gradually become the old and be cleared away. Sorry to be so dramatic, but it is quite true.
Steve Jobs (1955-2011)
Steve Jobs (1955-2011)
Connecting the Dots
You can't connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to trust in something — your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever. This approach has never let me down, and it has made all the difference in my life.
Steve Jobs ( 1955-2011)
Steve Jobs ( 1955-2011)
Why People Fail According to Les Brown
Think of a personal goal, a business goal and a contribution goal and dramatically increase those goals.
The Pain of Changing Yourself
The pain of remaining the same is greater than the pain of change. For the confident change is opportunity.
Nido Qubein speaks about how he learnt English when he came to the USA at age 17 learning ten words every day and built up his vocabulary to 62% of the average American and yet did not prove to be an obstacle.
Nido Qubein speaks about how he learnt English when he came to the USA at age 17 learning ten words every day and built up his vocabulary to 62% of the average American and yet did not prove to be an obstacle.
Your Time is Limited
Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma - which is living with the results of other people's thinking. Don't let the noise of other's opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.
Steve Jobs ( 1954-2011)
Steve Jobs ( 1954-2011)
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Edward de Bono and flying upside down
Single minded determination and expectation that you will get there are the essential qualities for huge success.
Friday, March 11, 2011
Seth Godin:Quieting the Lizard Brain
Duncan Heinz Guide to Good Eating was born out of his need to find a good place to eat.
Roy Parks teamed up with the Duncan Heinz money.
From becoming a wandering generality to someone who ships on time and budget.
Steve McConell's Software Product Management is a good book on thrashing. You must thrash on it in the beginning.
What you do for a living is ship not creativity ( everyone is creative). Someone who ships has a discipline and part of a discipline is thrashing early.
Why do human beings sabotage their work so often? A chicken has a lizard brain-it is hungry, scared, selfish, horny are we going to survive and how are we going to have kids. The lizard brain is the source of our primal doubts.
The first couple of breaths is very difficult to fill up the balloon.And then its a breeze.
Roy Parks teamed up with the Duncan Heinz money.
From becoming a wandering generality to someone who ships on time and budget.
Steve McConell's Software Product Management is a good book on thrashing. You must thrash on it in the beginning.
What you do for a living is ship not creativity ( everyone is creative). Someone who ships has a discipline and part of a discipline is thrashing early.
Why do human beings sabotage their work so often? A chicken has a lizard brain-it is hungry, scared, selfish, horny are we going to survive and how are we going to have kids. The lizard brain is the source of our primal doubts.
The first couple of breaths is very difficult to fill up the balloon.And then its a breeze.
Monday, March 07, 2011
Friday, January 28, 2011
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Eric Schmidt at DLD ( Digital Life Design) in Munich January 2011
The internet has been the biggest disruptor.The economics of scarcity ( pricing powere, holding things back)has been replaced by economics of abundance.
You can be a truly global citizen and realise how interesting we all are.
Your children are in two states : either asleep or online.
It just the beginning.
Time wasting is a well known human activity we engage in. Instead of tv now online eg videos etc.
Cars on autopilot.
Not only available to the elite but accessible to the common man.
Lifting a couple of billion of people from poverty to middle class mainly in Asia.
A future of ideas, intuition, solutions and doing what we love to do.
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Promoting Charities
Are you a UK-based charity with a compelling story to tell? Do you want to connect with your supporters, volunteers, and donors on YouTube?
To find out more go to:
See the charities included in this video at:
To find out more go to:
See the charities included in this video at:
Monday, January 24, 2011
Rumi etc
‘It’s morning and the musk-scattering breeze is passing;
Know that it is passing out of a certain person’s lane.
Get up! How can you sleep when the world is passing?
Buy some perfume, for the caravan is passing’
(Mevlana, Divan-i-Kabir no.1750)
‘Forgetfulness is also a bounty. It allows one to suffer the pains of only one day, and causes the rest to be forgotten’
(Said Nursi, Risale-i Nur, 16)
‘Watch out that you don’t regret the matters of the past.
You are a sufi, so don’t mention the name of the past.
You are the ‘son of the moment’ during youth and old age,
As long as the present moment doesn’t pass away’
(Mevlana, Divan-e Kabir no. 1753)
‘Don’t worry but let yourself sleep,
For worry is a veil on the face of the moon, a veil.
The heart is like the full moon. Don’t keep worry near the heart.
Throw worry-making into the stream’
Know that it is passing out of a certain person’s lane.
Get up! How can you sleep when the world is passing?
Buy some perfume, for the caravan is passing’
(Mevlana, Divan-i-Kabir no.1750)
‘Forgetfulness is also a bounty. It allows one to suffer the pains of only one day, and causes the rest to be forgotten’
(Said Nursi, Risale-i Nur, 16)
‘Watch out that you don’t regret the matters of the past.
You are a sufi, so don’t mention the name of the past.
You are the ‘son of the moment’ during youth and old age,
As long as the present moment doesn’t pass away’
(Mevlana, Divan-e Kabir no. 1753)
‘Don’t worry but let yourself sleep,
For worry is a veil on the face of the moon, a veil.
The heart is like the full moon. Don’t keep worry near the heart.
Throw worry-making into the stream’
Government and the Good Life
Taken from preface by Simon Griffiths:
In 961, reflecting on a long and seemingly successful life, Abdul
Rahman iii, Caliph of Cordoba, wrote:
I have now reigned above fifty years in victory or peace; beloved
by my subjects, dreaded by my enemies, and respected by my
allies. Riches and honours, power and pleasure, have waited
on my call, nor does any earthly blessing appear to have been
wanting to my felicity. In this situation, I have diligently numbered
the days of pure and genuine happiness which have fallen to my
lot: they amount to fourteen.
edward gibbon, Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire (electric book Company, 2001), Volume V, 401.
Two weeks of happiness in a lifetime of abundance is pretty scant.
More than 1,000 years later the Caliph’s gloomy reflections are
more relevant than ever before, and are mirrored in two related
questions that run through the chapters in this book.
First, why are we no happier now than we once were (or to
use the language of the social scientists, why is ‘subjective wellbeing’ no higher)? even in recession, most of us in the west are far
wealthier than at any time in previous decades. between 1957 and
2006, the UK’s gDP per person almost trebled in real terms, rising
from £6,960 to £19,978.
Roughly speaking, orthodox economics
equates a rise in the level of purchasing power with an increase
in the wellbeing of a society.
Yet, during the same period, the
proportion of people in the UK who said that they were “very
happy” fell from 52% to 36%.
other surveys present a slightly less
pessimistic picture of wellbeing trends, but in almost all cases they...
To read further please go to:
In 961, reflecting on a long and seemingly successful life, Abdul
Rahman iii, Caliph of Cordoba, wrote:
I have now reigned above fifty years in victory or peace; beloved
by my subjects, dreaded by my enemies, and respected by my
allies. Riches and honours, power and pleasure, have waited
on my call, nor does any earthly blessing appear to have been
wanting to my felicity. In this situation, I have diligently numbered
the days of pure and genuine happiness which have fallen to my
lot: they amount to fourteen.
edward gibbon, Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire (electric book Company, 2001), Volume V, 401.
Two weeks of happiness in a lifetime of abundance is pretty scant.
More than 1,000 years later the Caliph’s gloomy reflections are
more relevant than ever before, and are mirrored in two related
questions that run through the chapters in this book.
First, why are we no happier now than we once were (or to
use the language of the social scientists, why is ‘subjective wellbeing’ no higher)? even in recession, most of us in the west are far
wealthier than at any time in previous decades. between 1957 and
2006, the UK’s gDP per person almost trebled in real terms, rising
from £6,960 to £19,978.
Roughly speaking, orthodox economics
equates a rise in the level of purchasing power with an increase
in the wellbeing of a society.
Yet, during the same period, the
proportion of people in the UK who said that they were “very
happy” fell from 52% to 36%.
other surveys present a slightly less
pessimistic picture of wellbeing trends, but in almost all cases they...
To read further please go to:
The Two Companions
‘You should not neglect your time or use it haphazardly; on the contrary, you should bring yourself to account, structure your litanies and other practices during each day and night, and assign to each period a fixed and specific function. This is how to bring out the spiritual blessing (baraka) in each period. But, if you leave yourself adrift, aimlessly wandering as cattle do, not knowing how to occupy yourself at every moment, your time will be lost. It is nothing other than your life, and your life is the capital that you make use of to reach perpetual felicity in the proximity of God the Exalted. Each of your breaths is irreplaceable and, once gone, can never be retrieved. Do not be like the deceived fools who are joyous because each day their wealth increases while their life shortens. What good is an increase in wealth when life grows ever shorter? Therefore, be joyous only for an increase in knowledge or in good works, for they are your two companions who will accompany you in your grave when your family, wealth, children, and friends stay behind’
(Imam al-Ghazali, Bidayat al-Hidaya)
(Imam al-Ghazali, Bidayat al-Hidaya)
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Marketing with Meaning
How the challenges of the media and advertising landscape are giving way to a new paradigm in which businesses must create Marketing With Meaning.
Geoffrey Moore on Innovation
Author of 'Crossing the Chasm' talks about innovation which is different depending on whether it is a growing, mature or declining market. Customer experience innovation or operational excellence innovation.
Try to find an opening in the market where the leading vendors are not exploiting.
Try to find an opening in the market where the leading vendors are not exploiting.
Kaplan on Successful Entrepreneurship
Believe that you can make a difference.
Action bias..can make things happen.Doing things is more important than being smart.
Burn up the markets with new ideas.
Urgent patience.Story of gardener. 'I thought you were going to plant an apple tree'.'Its going to take a hundred years' The etate owner replied 'So you better get started'.
Unjustifiable optimism- believe you will succeed in the face of all evidence.
The recklessness of Jeff Bezos was the key to his success.
A tolerance for uncertainity. Never enough information, very stressful to live in such an environment.
Genuine concern for other people creating a reserve of goodwill for people around.
Peter Drucker
Transform data into information which very people know.
Productivity of knowledge workers still incredibly low.
Frederick Winslow Taylor looked at work and saw that it was all wrong and that is the the great revolution and within 60 years productivity of manual workers went up 60 times.
Productivity of knowledge workers still incredibly low.
Frederick Winslow Taylor looked at work and saw that it was all wrong and that is the the great revolution and within 60 years productivity of manual workers went up 60 times.
Warren Bennis on Crucibles
Getting the best out of people and thereby get the best out of oneself.
We are imprisoned by the stories we construct ourselves. 'The story of our life is a story not our life' John Bart.
'One has to overcome the story and become the author of one's life'.
How do you know what you will excel at - have patience with yourself and open yourself up to many possibilities.
'Generous company' is the epitaph he would like.
A crucible is a test or event which has a verdict.
We are imprisoned by the stories we construct ourselves. 'The story of our life is a story not our life' John Bart.
'One has to overcome the story and become the author of one's life'.
How do you know what you will excel at - have patience with yourself and open yourself up to many possibilities.
'Generous company' is the epitaph he would like.
A crucible is a test or event which has a verdict.
The Hedgehog Concept
Engage your energy and time:
1. Something for which you have great passion, love to do and absolutely reflects your values.
2. Find out what you are genetically encoded for, genetically encoded is not same as what you are good at, that you feel like a fish in water.
3. You provide great value, social or economic or both . You are useful.
Maslow's self actualisation. ( discovering what you were meant to do and committing to the ardour of pursuing excellence)
Culture of Discipline
Jim Collins talks about the culture of discipline and how it is not a business idea but a greatness idea.
Saturday, January 22, 2011
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